What's the difference between The Share Group and other real estate data companies?
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Video Highlights
The biggest difference...is specialization...Like going directly to the source.
They loaded 700 Absentee Owners into their CRM within 30 days. They had 3.5 million dollars in listings.
We are the treasure map to the gold. You just have to go on the hunt.
You guys all ask me where I get my leads from.... It’s Jared at The Share Group.... Absentee Owners, Downsizers, Likely-to-Sell....
Specialty categories, specialty niche leads, specialty lists, that is what Jared and his team does. You get the leads then you put them into your database!
Question: So you pay once for the zip code, get the list of leads, and then upload it to your Vulcan7?...Yes, that's exactly what you do.
The new Lead Store is really cool. You can just see how many leads are available in your city or multiple cities or multiple zip codes.
Can an agent provide you a list of addresses and you receive the contact info?.....Absolutely
Video Transcript
Good afternoon, Listing Agent Academy with me. As you can see, I've got my good friend, Mr. Jared Wright, from The Share Group.
Jared, thank you, my friend, for coming on here.
Yeah, what's up man? Thanks for including me It's kind of fun to be alive. It is! It is!
Let's rock and roll!
Okay, guys, here's the deal: I asked Jared from The Share Group to come on for our Thursday live training because the real estate market is changing and we're always talking about lead generation.
Jared has been serving and helping our community for a long time, and many of you have done business with him or gotten leads from him and his team.
The difference between what Jared does and some of the other lead providers is their specialization. So a lot of companies out there that want to get Downsizers or Likely-to-Sell or specific niche Absentee Owners will license the data from a data aggregator like Jared's and then they will import that automatically into their system.
So this is kind of like going directly to the source. It's our main service, so that's what we know, and behind the scenes, our company has 90 years of experience with data compilation.
I think quality is where you'll see the most impact, so when you're making outbound calls to these niches and building your customer base, it becomes a numbers game, and we want to make sure that it's worth the numbers.
We do a lot of data enhancement because a lot of realtors in their areas have resources with the title company or other data sources or contact databases that they're getting from or building.
We can enhance that in almost real-time to add an accurate cell phone number, an accurate landline number, an accurate email address, or when the last purchase date.
Now, I'm getting questions about how accurate the data is. I don't know how many people you serve in our community, but it could be hundreds or even thousands.
You probably know the number better than I do because you've been using his data for a long time. Here's the most important thing to consider when looking at data accuracy: the data that Jared uses. Yeah, I would have we called back and forth and like, "Here's the list that I want now. It's super cool, so why don't we jump into the demo.
So, do you all see this, Brandon? So you clicked the share button down below, correct? Yeah, it makes me go to system preferences.
Holy crap! Oh boy.
It's coming. We'll figure this out. Yeah, we will.
So I'll answer some of these questions Yeah, sorry, no, you're good, you're good, so let me just pull these up while you figure out your tech stuff. It's always difficult, um, let me pull this back up here.
So the question is, I want to just make sure because I can't see you guys' names on here, but let me go in here. Why don't I just go on and then you can navigate.
Yeah, absolutely. That would be perfect. If you don't mind doing that, we can kind of dig in and show you guys the lead shot. It's pretty cool. Hold on one second.
Yes, so if you guys are joining us late, you can give Jared a list of addresses.
That's what they specialize in, and then they can go in and source the contact information for those addresses So, the cool thing is (not to interrupt Brandon), we'll take that data, run the process, and call you and say, hey, out of the 2,000 you gave me, we matched on 1,500, and that's all you're going to pay for.
So, there are no hidden charges. You know, we're very transparent. See how it says to add your zip code to the cart?
Yep, perfect, and then even if you wanted to click on one of the zip codes, click on one of the zip codes too.
So this is phenomenal. It takes you to the actual zip code and tells you about the database.
So if you go up and hover over divorced homeowners right where you're at, it'll change and tell you what the Ðivorce property description is down below too. a little bit lower. So it kind of tells you what the divorced homeowners' property leads are.
So guys and girls, boys and girls, this is so freaking cool. This is all happening in real time, alright!
So you can go into your markets and find out, by the click of a button, how many absentee owner leads are sitting there in your zip code or multiple zip codes. The cost of those leads is likely to sell Downsizers, whatever the case may be. So, here's a map of San Diego.
So, if your zip code is sold out for Absentee Owners, we could have you on the list as soon as that 30-day expires to be set up for those leads because we're offering 30-day exclusivity through those zip codes. Okay, so Robert Reyes, I'm going to put yours in here.
Okay, so this is somewhere in the world the actual zip code and it'll populate that database, so yeah, perfect Yeah, all right, so check this out, and this is for everyone else.
This is the coolest thing ever. I don't know why. You have 1,528 absentees just in one zip code. Now as a result of my coaching, I want you to get the entire county but just one zip code. You have some Divorce leads. You have 300 Likely-to-Sell leads.
You have five: the Downsizer, the Divorce, and the Likely-to-Sell all in the cart, and then you go check out and you're off and running.
It's so much fun that I could spend all day on this site.
We're also working on a refresh that will be really cool. We're building it out to show pictures of some of the properties at the zip code level. So let's unpack some of these.
So it's Vulcan7 versus, well that's just the thing, they're different, so there's no comparison because what they do is different.
And you guys know we love Vulcan7. We're great partners with Vulcan7. The owner of the company is going be at my house tomorrow at 1pm.
Matter of fact they do different things. So let me give you a great example. Vulcan7, if you go into their neighborhood search, as an example, and you go into a zip code and you put in Absentee Owners, they're only going to give you like 10 or 20% of the data, and guys and girls, what Jared does is he's a data aggregator, which means he's the one getting the data and giving it to various sources, of which we can't disclose to which company he's providing data to or not, so you just go straight to the source.
And the difference is that those companies like Vulcan7, which we love, and Mojo, which we love, they're getting really good at getting expired and for sale by owners all of your what I call specialty leads to leads in a specific niche That is what Jared and his team and his company do. You get those leads and then you put them into your database.
Hopefully, that makes sense. The next question is from somebody named Alan.
Question: So you pay once for the zip code, get the list of leads, and then upload it to your Vulcan7?
Yes, that's exactly what you do.
Over time, you'll see how long it takes you to dial through a zip code. We update the data every 6 to 8 weeks, so you'll see changes in the phone numbers and closed properties that you hopefully didn't miss out on.
Maybe the term "data aggregator" isn't getting across to people that you're almost like a compiler because you're putting together information from different sources.
We've been doing this for a long time, and I've been doing it my whole career. It's just the relationships we have with the source compilers, like the transactional companies and the other marketing companies like Axiom, which is the largest compiler of consumer data, and we license that file to build.
So I think a good place for you guys to start is to put a link to Jared's website (shop.theshare.group) in the comments.
Investigate your zip code or county to see what they can do.
Step one for you guys is to just go play around on his website. The new lead store is really cool. You can just see how many leads are available in your city or multiple cities or multiple zip codes.
And then you guys can certainly have a conversation with Jared's team to find out what could make sense for you guys. This should just be that third or fourth lead pillar, right?
Yeah, I have one more question. Someone asked how you do in small markets. We just heard back from a broker in the state of Washington in a small lake community.
They loaded 700 Absentee Owners into their CRM within 30 days. They had listings worth 3.5 million dollars.
Yeah, we did it to the end of the month. We did it until the end of September. So you have 30 days to get that done.
Well, dude, Jared, I appreciate it. It appears that a lot of people got a lot out of this, so we'll bring Jared back to you guys. We've been doing a lot of work with the share group. We are so grateful for the support you've given this community.
Jared, you're doing amazing things out there, and we appreciate everything too.