Hang in There! Building Your Pipeline after COVID-19
A year later, we are still living in somewhat uncertain times. But we are still trying to succeed and trying to help others to succeed as well.
Our solid partnerships with real estate professionals and marketing opportunities haven't weakened. As a small business owner, we aren't waiting for things to be like they were before March 2020; we have been working continuously to build our pipeline.
What have we been doing? We've been reaching out to our current and past customers, making sure they were okay. We've enjoyed the conversations and back and forth dialogues about what business will look like going forward. We've gathered new ideas from these conversations, strengthen relationships, and kept reinventing our services to help a company like us, succeed after COVID 19.
As venture into this new world, what does your pipeline look like?
Is it full? Do you will need to contact your customers via email marketing or direct mail?
Is it diminished? Do you need to target new clients/customers through prospecting programs or specialized targeted data campaigns?
Is it depleted? Do you need to brand or rebrand your company?
Or maybe it is time to clean up your database with data hygiene products to be more efficient and effective moving forward.
These are all valuable ways to strengthen your pipeline. They will want to hear from you. We want to hear from you.
Be ready. Be prepared. Be open to your targeted audience.