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Reframing Lead Generation: New Strategies for Real Estate Success

As a real estate agent, you've probably heard about lead generation strategies more times than you can count. But what if we told you there’s a fresh way to approach it?

In a recent discussion, the Agent Impact Network invited Tim from The Share Group to help us reframe how we think about lead generation, taking a new spin on traditional methods.

Tim brings decades of experience in data and business development, making him an excellent resource for agents looking to maximize their efforts without wasting time or money.

In this blog post, we'll explore key insights from our conversation with Tim, breaking down how you can not only generate leads but also convert them into listings more effectively.



Real Estate Mastermind - Why Traditional Lead Platforms Fail & How to Get Real Results

1. Rethink What Lead Generation Means

First off, it's time to reshape your mindset around lead generation. Many agents feel stuck in a transactional cycle, focusing solely on collecting leads and hoping some will convert. The truth is, lead generation is much more than acquiring names and numbers—it's about building relationships through consistent and meaningful conversations.

Tim emphasizes the importance of approaching lead generation as an opportunity to talk to people and nurture relationships. Showing up regularly and providing value to prospects is far more effective than simply waiting for leads to roll in.

As Tim says, "It’s about leveraging your time and skills to create listings through your effort, not just your wallet."

2. Beware of Common Lead Pitfalls

We’ve all heard horror stories from agents who've spent hundreds, sometimes thousands, of dollars on lead platforms with little to no return. Whether it’s bad lists or platforms selling the same leads to multiple agents, frustration can quickly build up.

Tim shared the example of an agent who spent $700 per month for six months on a platform, only to walk away empty-handed. The main takeaway? Not all paid leads are created equal, and not all lead generation methods give you the control you need to succeed.

3. Take Control of Your Lead Generation

Unlike traditional platforms where leads are often shared, The Share Group offers a solution where you can take full control of your leads. Rather than passively waiting for someone else’s platform to deliver results, you can leverage tools that allow you to generate and work leads based on your own efforts, talent, and strategy.

The best part? These leads are often more affordable and actionable than high-cost options like Zillow or

4. Ask the Right Questions in Conversations

A key factor in turning a lead into a listing is understanding the art of asking questions. According to Tim, "The person who asks the questions is leading the conversation." Agents often make the mistake of providing too much information upfront or answering questions that don’t necessarily serve their goals. This can overwhelm the prospect or, worse, steer the conversation off course.

Instead, focus on guiding the conversation by asking thoughtful questions that clarify your prospect’s true motivations. This helps you avoid providing unnecessary answers or sparking concerns that weren’t there to begin with.

5. Focus on Qualified Leads, Not Just Warm Ones

One of the most eye-opening moments of our conversation with Tim was when he asked the audience to choose between two leads: Bill, a seller actively interviewing agents, or Carol, a warm referral who’s "thinking" about selling.

Surprisingly, many agents gravitate toward warm leads like Carol, believing the lack of competition means lower risk. However, Bill is actively looking for an agent, meaning he’s ready to make a move. Carol, on the other hand, could very well decide she’s not ready to sell anytime soon.

The lesson here? A warm lead doesn’t necessarily equate to a qualified one. Focusing your energy on highly qualified leads will yield better results.

6. Transform from Transactional to Relational

Real estate is a long game. Clients aren’t always ready to buy or sell immediately, but that doesn’t mean the relationship ends. Too often, realtors are viewed as transactional, popping up when there’s a home to sell but vanishing during the "quiet" periods.

By staying in touch and checking in with past clients about their experiences, agents can cultivate long-term relationships that will eventually lead to future transactions. Ask questions like, "Is there anything I could have done better?" or "How are you enjoying your home?" to keep the lines of communication open.

Tim urges agents to think beyond the current deal: "Every question from a buyer or seller is building a case for whether to work with you or someone else."

7. The Share Group: A Better Approach to Lead Generation

Finally, let’s talk about what makes The Share Group different. The Share Group focuses on providing high-quality, exclusive seller leads for real estate agents. With 25 million leads available across various seller segments, you have the flexibility to choose leads that fit your market and business goals.

Key lead categories include:

  • Downsizers: Homeowners with significant equity who are ready to downsize, offering a ripe opportunity for agents.
  • Absentee Owners: Property owners who are not living in the home, making them more likely to sell without emotional attachment.
  • Likely to Sell: Homeowners with substantial equity who are considering upgrading or moving to a different neighborhood.

Each lead comes with critical data such as phone numbers, email addresses, and mortgage information, ensuring you have all the tools to start meaningful conversations and build relationships. And with real-time updates every 90 days, you can rest assured that your leads are fresh and relevant.

Final Thoughts

In today’s competitive real estate market, it’s not enough to collect leads. You need to cultivate relationships, ask the right questions, and focus on qualified prospects. By partnering with The Share Group, you can take control of your lead generation process, focusing on the most effective and affordable strategies to grow your business.

Ready to elevate your lead generation? Visit The Share Group today and start turning leads into listings.

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