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List Builder Handbook

The Share Group’s List Builder allows you to input specific demographic and property criteria to filter, search, and start prospecting your own custom audience. Currently, these custom audiences are just for owner-occupied lists.

There are two database options to search – consumer and consumer mortgage.

The consumer database is where to start and has a robust list of demographic criteria to choose from.

This is the database most of our segments are pulled from and has the highest coverage for contact information.

** Note there are demographic selects in consumer mortgage and property selects in the consumer database.

Consumer Database

  • Demographic Criteria
  • Renters

Consumer Mortgage Database

  • Property Criteria
  • All property owners
  • Must select a “land use” (property type) to get residential properties


Create New

  1. Build your own custom audience by “Create New” – databases have overlap, see filter options below

    1. Consumer mortgage database – better for specific property criteria
  2. Consumer database – better for demographic criteria

  3. Click “Add Field” to include additional criteria

  4. Enter values for different demographic/property fields
  5. Click “Run Counts” and results will be shown with the number of records suppressed from past orders

  6. Save Blueprint with specific order name

  7. Purchase

Build from Blueprint

  1. Use, adjust, or add to TSG segments or user created Blueprint by selecting audience from Blueprint dropdown
  2. Main criteria will be shown – type in specific values to target
  3. Click “Add Field” to include additional criteria and enter values
  4. Click “Run Counts” and results will be shown with the number of records suppressed from past orders
  5. Save Blueprint with specific order name
  6. Purchase

**Once a blueprint is saved in your account, you’ll be able to recreate and use as audience going forward

Omitting Criteria

Add in filter you want to omit, then change the select from false to true

  • For example: To omit owners with children present in the home, add in presence of children field and select “yes.” Then change Omit field from “False” to “True” so the system will omit anybody from the list that does have a child present.


Use when looking for records to meet at least one of grouped criteria

  • For example: You have a list built with your specific criteria and want all owners to either have lived in the home for 10+ years OR have 50% equity. Some owners may check both boxes.

    Choose your criteria then under Condition, select Group #1.

    All owners will either have lived in the home for over 10 years or have over 50% equity, if not both.

Consumer Database

Consumer Database Filters


Birth Month

Month individual was born in

Birth Year

Year individual was born in

Summarized Credit Score

Credit score aggregated at a zip+4 level

Estimated Age

Age of homeowner

Estimated Home Value

Current estimated home value **Main value filter to use

Ethnic Code

Specific ethnicity based on country of origin

Ethnic Group

Grouping of ethnicities based on geography


Gender of homeowner

Home Purchase Date

Date the home was purchased

Home Value (Assessed)

Assessed value of home **Use for properties $1M+ or specific ranges


Home owner vs. renter

Investment Properties Owned

How many investment properties homeowner is associated with


Language homeowner speaks

Loan to Value

Inverse of equity. Percentage of home loan to home value

Length of Residence

How long homeowner has lived in residence

Marital Status

Married vs. single

Most Recent Mortgage Amount

Amount on most recent mortgage on property

Most Recent Mortgage Date

Date of most recent mortgage on property

Most Recent Mortgage Interest Rate Type

Type of interest rate for most recent mortgage

Most Recent Mortgage Loan Type Code

Type of most recent mortgage

Net Worth

Total net worth of homeowner

Number of Lines of Credit

Number of credit cards / tradelines


Does property have a pool or not

Presence of Children

Presence of children in the home to target or omit

Property Type

Detailed type of property

Purchase Price

Price home was purchased

Year Built

Year the home was built


Consumer Mortgage Database

Consumer Mortgage Database Filters


Total Bedrooms

Total number of bedrooms

Credit Rating

Credit score aggregated at zip+4 level

Ethnic Code

Specific ethnicity based on country of origin

Exact Age

Age of homeowner


Gender of homeowner

Estimated Household Income

Household income aggregated at zip+4 level

Land Use

Specific property type

Living Square Feet

Square footage of general living area. Doesn’t include garage or unfinished parts of home

Loan to Value

Inverse of equity. Percentage of home loan to home value

Most Recent Mortgage Amount

Amount on most recent mortgage on property

Most Recent Mortgage Date

Date of most recent mortgage on property

Most Recent Mortgage Interest Rate Type

Type of interest rate for most recent mortgage

Most Recent Mortgage Interest Rate

Type of most recent mortgage

Owner Occupied

Owner occupied vs absentee owned


Pool present at the property

Property Indicator

General property type groupings

Sale Date

Date of property sale

Sale Price

Price property was sold

Total Stories

Number of stories associated with building

Total Baths

Total number of bathrooms in the home

Total Value Calculated

Value closest to current market value used for assessment by county or taxing authorities

Year Built

Year property was built