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How Torrey Went from 5 to 25 Deals in a Year with Absentee Owner Leads

Torrey, a real estate agent in Denver, is a prime example of how leveraging the right lead generation strategies can lead to transformative success.

Just a year ago, Torrey was struggling to close deals, relying on social media to bring in clients. Fast forward to today, and he's gone from closing 5 deals a year to an impressive 25.

So, what changed? The answer lies in a shift in strategy and the power of outbound prospecting with The Share Group's absentee owner leads.

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From Fitness to Real Estate: A Story of Adaptation

Torrey's journey into real estate is as unique as they come. Before diving into the world of buying and selling homes, he was a successful gym owner in Los Angeles.

His background in fitness and personal training gave him a solid foundation in client relations and business development. Naturally, he assumed that the same social media tactics that worked in the fitness industry would translate seamlessly into real estate.

However, reality hit hard when his social media efforts didn’t yield the results he had hoped for. Despite putting out tons of content on Instagram and Facebook, the leads just weren't coming in.

Torrey quickly realized that what worked in one industry didn’t necessarily work in another, and it was time to pivot his strategy.

The Shift to Outbound Prospecting

The turning point in Torrey’s career came when he decided to take control of his lead generation process. He began exploring outbound prospecting, a method that involves actively reaching out to potential clients rather than waiting for them to come to you.

While social media remained part of his marketing mix, it became more of a supplementary tool rather than the core of his strategy.

Torrey’s decision to focus on outbound prospecting allowed him to connect with more qualified leads and ultimately close more deals. This shift wasn’t just about changing tactics; it was about honing a skill set essential for success in real estate—salesmanship.

As Torrey puts it, real estate is a sales job, and mastering communication and dealing with rejection is crucial.

Leveraging The Share Group's Absentee Owner Leads

One of the most significant factors in Torrey's success has been his partnership with The Share Group. By utilizing our absentee owner leads, Torrey has been able to target a specific and often overlooked segment of the market. Absentee owners—property owners who do not reside in the property—are a prime audience for real estate agents looking to secure listings.

With the help of The Share Group's high-quality leads and tools like a triple-line dialer, Torrey has been able to reach out to absentee owners efficiently. This focused approach has allowed him to generate more conversations, secure more listings, and ultimately close more deals.

A Day in the Life: Torrey’s Proven Routine

Success in real estate doesn’t just happen overnight; it requires discipline and consistency. Torrey’s daily routine is a testament to that. He dedicates four hours every morning, from 8 AM to 12 PM, solely to prospecting. This time is non-negotiable, and he rarely allows anything to interrupt it. The results speak for themselves—this structured approach has been key to his rapid growth.

After his morning prospecting session, Torrey spends the rest of his day handling administrative tasks, client follow-ups, and additional calls if time permits. By sticking to this routine, he ensures that he’s always moving the needle forward in his business.

The Power of Persistence

Torrey’s journey from 5 to 25 deals in a year is a powerful reminder of the impact that the right strategy and tools can have on a real estate career. His story underscores the importance of taking control of your lead generation process, staying disciplined in your daily routine, and leveraging high-quality leads like those provided by The Share Group.

For real estate agents looking to grow their business, Torrey’s success offers valuable insights. Outbound prospecting, when done consistently and with the right leads, can transform your business. If you’re ready to take your real estate career to the next level, consider how The Share Group can help you find the leads you need to succeed.

Visit our website at The Share Group to learn more about how we can support your success in the real estate market.

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